The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic comic book series created by writer Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore – who was the artist on the first six issues and cover artist for the first twenty-four – with art on the remainder of the series by Charlie Adlard. It focuses on Rick Grimes, a Kentucky deputy who is shot in the line of duty and awakens from a coma in a zombie apocalypse that has resulted in a state-wide quarantine. After joining with some other survivors, he gradually takes on the role of leader of a community as it struggles to survive the zombie apocalypse.

Published beginning in 2003 by Image Comics, the series ran for 193 issues, with Kirkman unexpectedly ending the series in 2019. The comic will be republished issue by issue in full color, inked by Dave McCaig, starting in October 2020. The Walking Dead received the 2007 and 2010 Eisner Award for Best Continuing Series at San Diego Comic-Con International. The series was adapted into the AMC television series The Walking Dead, which premiered in 2010. The television program loosely follows the storyline of the comic book. The franchise has also spawned multiple additional media properties, including video games (such as The Walking Dead video game), a companion television series (Fear the Walking Dead), webisode series (The Walking Dead: Torn Apart, The Walking Dead: Cold Storage, The Walking Dead: The Oath, and The Walking Dead: Red Machete), and various additional publications, including novels (The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor).

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